This manga follows the residents of Tokiwasou—a beat-down tenant apartment in Tokyo for manga artists.
Manga Michio is a 21 year-old aspiring artist who is keeping a journal of his experiences as a starting out artist. When Konotera Yukie comes to stay with her younger brother, Michio is smitten. But Yukie has come to take her brother home and send him back to college—her father thinks that being a manga artist is no way to live. Can Michio convince her that her talented brother should stay? Or will she be the inspiration for his latest character design?
The manga gives intriguing insight to the life of a struggling mangaka.
(Source: MU)
Included one-shots:
Volume 1: Rocket-kun
Volume 2: Rocket-kun: Uchuusen Bakudan Jiken no Maki
Volume 4: Lonely Gun
Volume 7-8: Kyoufu Tantei-kyoku Dai 1-wa: Mimizuku Ningen (2 parts)
Volume 10: The Hunter
Volume 11: Makete Tamaru ka Matsudaira Yasutaka